You recently started electrifying the model range – now you are picking up the pace with digitalisation. How are you going to do both at the same time?
Zellmer: Our e-offensive is already in full swing. We have successfully launched cars such as the ID.301, ID.402 and ID.603 specifically for China. Our electric cars have had an excellent reception: We are aiming to sell around 450,000 electrified cars this year – including all-electric models and plug-in hybrids. At the same time, we are expanding to make software a core competency, because digital strengths are becoming more and more of a factor in customers’ purchasing decisions. Automotive manufacturers who don’t offer the same digital connectivity as consumer electronics have already lost out.
Ulbrich: Our successful electric cars are a prime example of how we are able to master the software challenge. In recent years we often said that the Volkswagen brand will move e-mobility from a niche product to the mainstream. Many people didn’t believe us at first – but now no one questions whether Volkswagen will deliver. We have an even more challenging process ahead of us with the further digitalisation of our cars. It’s not a sprint, it’s an ambitious marathon.