Press releases
Brand Group Core reports solid results for 2024 in a challenging environment
The Volkswagen, Škoda, SEAT/Cupra and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brands worked closely together in the last financial year. Jointly optimized processes strengthened the resilience of the Brand Group Core. Despite necessary restructuring – at the Volkswagen brand in particular – the brand group reported a solid operating result of some 7 billion euros in a challenging market environment. The successful implementation of model ramp-ups together with moderate increases in vehicle sales and sales revenue underscore the increased resilience of the brand group in the face of external challenges. -
Volkswagen delivers around 4.8 million vehicles worldwide in 2024
Despite strong headwinds, Volkswagen delivered around 4.8 million vehicles to customers worldwide last year (1.4 per cent fewer than in the previous year). Volkswagen was again the clear market leader in Germany with a market share of 19.1 per cent, according to the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). -
Agreement reached: Volkswagen AG positions itself competitively for the future
Following intensive negotiations between Volkswagen AG, IG Metall and the Works Council, a joint agreement entitled ‘Zukunft Volkswagen’ [Future Volkswagen ] has been concluded. The company and the Works Council are thereby jointly positioning Volkswagen AG for sustainable success. To this end, the company is realigning production capacities at Volkswagen AG's German locations. It is creating the conditions for a reduction in labour costs of €1.5 billion per year at the collectively agreed level with an agreement on the company wage settlement until 2030. The short-term effects in labour costs and the agreed structural measures through capacity reduction and a decrease in development costs will lead to cost effects of over €4 billion per year in the medium term. In addition, a reduction in capacity of 734,000 units across the German plants is planned. This will enable Volkswagen AG to lay the foundation for important investments in future products through to 2030. The structural realignment of the company at an operational and collective level will create the conditions for achieving the return-on-sales target for the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand in the medium term.

Financial report