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In the late 1960s, the world was in flux: traditional values were coming under question. And what about Volkswagen? There it was about more than just finding a successor for the Beetle. Engineers and designers had countless ideas for additional models both small and large. We are here to look back at those eventful times.

From the Beetle to the Golf
1970: rejected model for the Beetle successor
From the Beetle to the Golf
Projects for the Beetle successor (from left to right): development order (EA) 276, Golf and EA 266
From the Beetle to the Golf
Golf: draft design (left) and the series production version
Volkswagen Golf
The Golf. First in its class for over 40 years.
Wolfsburgs Start in die automobile Mittelklasse VW 1500 Limousine Baujahr 1961
Wolfsburg was starting in the automotive medium section: Volkswagen 1,500 from 1961
From the Beetle to the Golf
A master and his masterpiece: Giorgio Guigaro and the Passat
Polo 1975
Designed by Audi-man Claus Luthe: the first Volkswagen Polo (1975).
From the Beetle to the Golf
Stylish wedge from Neckarsulm: the Ro 80 (1967 until 1977)
From the Beetle to the Golf
Draft designs for potential saloons in the upper mid-sized class
The Experimental Safety Volkswagen (ESVW) I is a safety research vehicle constructed in 1972.
From the Beetle to the Golf