From DC to AC power. A central component of the drive system is the power electronics module. It is a link that controls the high-voltage energy flow between the e-motor and the lithium-ion battery (between 250 and 430 V depending on the battery voltage). The power electronics converts the direct current (DC) stored in the battery to alternating current (AC). The primary interfaces of the power electronics are its traction network connection to the battery, 3-phase connection to the electric motor, connector from the DC/DC converter to the 12-V electrical system and a connection for the high-voltage power distributor.
Power electronics
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* = Besitzer von e-Golf und e-up! können in den ersten drei Jahren 30 Tage im Jahr einen kostenlosen Leihwagen von Volkswagen mit konventionellem Antrieb nutzen (inklusive Kontingent an Freikilometern).
= Deutschland, Stand Februar 2014, 0,258 Euro je kWh.