A fusion of brake system and motor brake. Volkswagen has developed a special electromechanical brake servo for its electric cars. This optimises the driver's braking force in the same way that brake servos do in conventional cars. However, with the electromechanical brake servo this happens by what is known as ‘brake blending' – a process in which low levels of deceleration are produced solely through the e-motor's braking torque. Stronger deceleration, meanwhile, is achieved by combining the braking torques of the electric motor and the hydraulic brake system.
Electromechanical brake servo
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* = Besitzer von e-Golf und e-up! können in den ersten drei Jahren 30 Tage im Jahr einen kostenlosen Leihwagen von Volkswagen mit konventionellem Antrieb nutzen (inklusive Kontingent an Freikilometern).
= Deutschland, Stand Februar 2014, 0,258 Euro je kWh.